The 20s years old management of

2023. 12. 16. 17:17다양한 일상정보


< The 20s years old management of 간

Here, the 20s from high school graduates from high school.

"I want to live around the high school, so I wanted to eat so much money and Woo Dong-dong, so I wanted to eat too much.At that time, I bought at 800 million won in the time, and I had to cry for four years, and tears.I don't know this.It's a lot of life, and I've got a life.""

Even if you learn, you can't learn the 'no power', it is a simple node with a simple node.

It's what I do.

At this moment, there are many young people who are scratching on YouTube, and Netflix, while watching Netflix, while watching Netflix, while watching Netflix, and Netflix is not in cold winter.

Who looks more valuable.It's not easy.

It's a few times to do it
It's also even if you don't care, I don't like to do it.

But it's still a dream.Someone said that.

"I don't want to do it.Then, I'll do it again.
If you don't want to write a letter."

Maybe I need to endure this moment.
You need courage to do it at that moment I don't like to do it.
The most need to think "I need to think I have to think "I need to do not want to do."

Friday night.Everyone's going to find joy.

I'm going to write.

I'm going to read books to fill out the lack of INPUT.I don't want to do this today.So I'll read more and decide to write more INPUT....
