2024. 7. 21. 02:40ㆍU.S. Economic Stock Market Outlook
* The second story of <Dubo Society>
1. The conference began at 9:30 a.m., and I arrived a little after 10:30 a.m., and the large auditorium on the sixth floor of Sungkyunkwan University's 600th Anniversary Hall was already full of people. Lunch time and individual subcommittee meetings were also packed until the last dinner, which was a rare success in recent years. I would like to express my sincere condolences and gratitude to those who suffered from yin and yang for the conference.
2. My first 'simultaneous interpretation' was just a series of mental breakdowns... I went into the booth without a break, so I was more embarrassed because I didn't know how to operate it.
Listening to the presenter teacher, I don't know when to translate, and the presenter keeps talking when I talk. After interpreting the previous words, I couldn't hear the words between them properly. Eventually, in the end, I just summarized the main points and gently guided them to look at the page translated into Korean for details. But I translated it, so I found that part quickly, otherwise I wouldn't have known where it was.
I have unlimited respect for those who simultaneously interpret in the professional field....
3. From now on, this is the core content of this long post yesterday and today lol
Today I took a book as a reference for our department. It is a book called "The Complete Works of Three Grand Poems" in 1658, in which a brilliant man named Kim Yuk collected three poems, Dubo, Lee Baek, and Han Yu, and printed them in wood type (written in the textbook). This book was mentioned briefly in Park Cheol-sang's presentation, and from the first time I read the presentation, I really wanted to see the real thing of this book. First of all, it's print related to the Cheongpung Kim family, which I like.^^
Then, 18 years ago, at my wedding in 2006, Park Cheol-sang gave me a book of "Dubo Poetry" as a gift, so I searched the cabinet and opened it...
That book was the Dubosi part of Kim Yuk's "The Complete Works of Three Grand Poems"!!!
I'm not kidding, but I got a shiver for a moment. What kind of situation is this?
Eighteen years ago, when Park Cheol-sang-sam gave me the book as a gift (he put it in the document envelope of Gwangju Bank he was attending at the time), Professor Kim Young-jin was right next to me. He was very envious at the time and joked, 'Do I have to get married again (to receive this book?) And then, if I am born again, I want to be Park Chul-sang-sam's "son-in-law."
So, at the moment I received this book, the three of us might have been destined to meet again 18 years later as hosts, presenters, and discussors of a society and talk about this book. In fact, I learned the true meaning and value of this book properly while preparing for the discussion for this presentation.
Above all, I think it was the most touching point for me that all three of us have not left the academic world for 18 years and are still talking about books like this.
Let's stay well on the floor for a long time
4. Our department is the subject of Literature, so Kim Young-jin brought a box of old books from his collection of Dubose poems and held a small exhibition. There were many interesting materials, and among them, one of the "Wokhwal Capital," which is presumed to have come out around the time of Gwanghaegun (early 17th century), was so good in print and condition that I looked at it all the time. Thanks to that data, I was able to learn some new tips on distinguishing good wooden capital from Park Cheol-sang-sam.
The only way to learn bibliography is to put such a good real thing in front of your eyes and listen to it in detail one by one from the best experts. And there are so many materials I don't know no matter how much I look at them and how much I look at them, and if I know one, one new thing that I don't know appears
Oh, and my book, Kim Young-jin-sam's wooden type capital, were all more special because they were both printed on a piece of paper made into a single piece of paper, despite the responsibility of the 17th century. Originally, joint paper appeared a lot in the early Joseon Dynasty, especially in the year of King Jungjong, and it was not easy to see in the late Joseon Dynasty. Even though all of these documents were data from the early and mid-17th century, it was fascinating that they were joint papers. ^^
It was a very pleasant and informative day.
#an interesting recitation story
#2024 Dubose Society
#a collection of three generations of thorns
#Well-made wood capital is too difficult