"Critical Disaster Act Proves the Effect of Drastic Industrial Deaths in the UK"

2024. 7. 8. 07:10U.S. Economic Stock Market Outlook


"Critical Disaster Act Proves the Effect of Drastic Industrial Deaths in the UK"

- Alan Stevens, Planning Director, Occupational Safety and Health Association of 英

- Regarding the UK Corporate Fraudulence Act, which was the birthplace of the Serious Accident Punishment Act, he explained, "Companies are complying well with the law in the UK, where the law is applied with the zero tolerance principle." Unlike the Korean management community's claim of abolition by raising the theory of uselessness of the Serious Accident Act, it means that the UK is effective through strict legal application

- "Safety and health investment costs more than double the return effect," he said. "Safety is an investment, not a cost."

- Regarding the Serious Disaster Act, he explained, "In the UK, the Corporate Fraud Act is also applied to all workplaces with five or more employees," adding, "The effectiveness of the law has already been proven."

- "The government and industrial safety monitoring agencies should conduct a responsible risk assessment of new industries and disseminate good safety management methods to each company."

- "As workers move across borders, the safety of foreign workers is threatened in countries around the world," he said. "Foreign workers should be able to present their opinions on workplace risk assessments."

- "Investors should consider the safety of their employees as well as their finances and accounting when investing in new businesses."

-  All economic players, including the government, companies, and investors, should play a role in protecting workers' lives.

- "In order to protect delivery riders, Europe recognized delivery riders of platform company Uber as workers and had companies protect them," he explained. "If platform companies conduct appropriate risk assessments to protect workers, they can reduce the outsourcing of risks."

*** It's a story that can't be found at all in the Korean chaebol newspaper.
