The importance of sociality/person-to-person

2024. 6. 20. 20:43U.S. Economic Stock Market Outlook


The importance of sociality/person-to-person relations among the competencies required of talented people is actually a topic that has always existed in various fields. However, it is only characterized by the recent widespread use of new technologies such as AI that research results show that its importance will increase in the future

The CEO of Hakondae Channel cites sociality as one of the key elements of people who work well.

This person is appealing the importance of empathy among social skills.
If empathy is not supported, sociality cannot improve, and this is a reason that applies to leadership.

One of the stories that those who have experienced is that "it appeals to the technical aspect at first, and the emotional aspect takes precedence as time goes by," which, of course, is also a story of a considerable number of masters.

Harvard University's desired talent award is "a person who can contribute."
There are many things in life that can contribute. It means doing something useful or beneficial to people. If it's useful, I'll give you money, and if it's possible to do something beneficial, many people will want to do it together.

However, Harvard has specified two additional criteria.

One of them is 'a person who can coordinate relationships'. The key is whether you can get along with others. This is also directly related to personality. The other is 'do you know how to manage stress and freedom yourself?' and people who are angry are said to be people who cannot manage themselves. Likewise, personality and the word they commonly refer to is also 'sociality'.

No matter how smart you are, if you don't have this, your chances of not doing important things in the future will increase.

Finally, "talent who knows how to contribute" is not only Harvard but also Princeton's talent.

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"The reason why American students who didn't study and played hard end up being more successful than Korean students (Professor Dawn) Full version."
