I could also be a failed businessman next year.

2024. 1. 25. 03:16경제정책 정리


I could also be a failed businessman next year. Someone who used to be in a business and has been steadily developing himself for many years said that he organized it because the business became difficult. He asked how he overcame the hard times.

I used to believe that I was a businessman. But I lost everything, so I was drunk because I couldn't handle the psychological pain, and I was unemployed as a full-time investor for three years... Then I ran out of money and got a job. I worked for five years. I started my business in 18 and did business for five years again. Two of them were one-person businesses.

When I got to work, I read Seino's article by chance, and I just did my best, which I didn't feel like I was holding the straw as the article told me to. There was no other way. What should I tell you.

You must be already experienced, knowledgeable, and wise. What can I say as a person who runs a business that may be in the same situation next year.

Businesses are risky, so it's not a strange thing to do when they go bankrupt. You are destined to let all your employees out and clean up empty office furniture on your own when you go bankrupt. So, while accumulating and investing in cash, I do not put all my money in the business. And because there is always anxiety about developing yourself while training in coding, investing, writing, and reading. It's like preparing for something after it goes bankrupt.

Isn't it like blood is flowing through the wound? Only when the mind, body, and mind recover will you have the power to stand up again. You already have enough experience and knowledge, but you must be out of your mind right now. I told you that it would be better to take time to recover by taking a walk and taking a rest. If you try to do something at this time, the wound will widen further and blood will bleed more.

An acquaintance told me why he doesn't meet his friends even though he once failed. It's so hard because every person he meets gives him or her advice. I'll tell him or her because I want to help, but it hurts. I didn't even look at my college classmates because I was embarrassed, but since then, they've all grown apart. I'm careful to give advice.

If you are hurt right before you die, you should go into the cave and crouch down until you get better. This is what Mugeuk teacher said on the Sinsa-Imdang channel.
