Prime Minister Han Deok-soo is a very easy and easy person.

2024. 12. 23. 20:14U.S. Economic Stock Market Outlook


[I've experienced Han Deok-soo]

Prime Minister Han Deok-soo is a very easy and easy person.
Even in my opinion, he was really mean to me during the hearing for two years. Still, his face never changed.
At the end of the hearing, he said, "If the prime minister's confirmation bill is rejected at the plenary session, it will be a personal misfortune for Han Deok-soo, but if it is passed, it will be a misfortune for the entire public office of the Republic of Korea."
He didn't say it expecting an answer. But Han Deok-soo volunteered to grab the microphone and bowed his head, saying, "You said things that were helpful to me."

During the hearing, I was guilty of a terrible military crime, so I avoided it first if I saw it from the National Assembly.
Once, I tried to get out of the way, but Han Deok-soo recognized it first and followed me and said hello with pleasure. It was so awkward that my face was all hot.
I don't like narrow-minded people like me, and what's good is clearly shown on my face. However, Han Deok-su cannot be so free to bend and bend.
Everyone gets along well and doesn't pretend!
Perhaps that raised Han Deok-soo to the position of 'one recognition and one recognition award'.

He is also a master of choice. His brilliant career did not stop despite the change of administration.
During the 1997 presidential election, Kim had to line up either Kim Dae-jung or Lee Hoi-chang.
Of course, it was Lee Hoi-chang because he had a long relationship with a senior and junior at Gyeonggi High School. I was going to go to Lee Hoi-chang camp with a tie on, but at the last minute, my wife grabbed my sleeve and collapsed. That choice allowed him to prosper in the Kim Dae Jung and Roh Moo Hyun governments.
It would not be too wrong because a reporter told me that he heard it directly from his wife.

Now he is at a crossroads of a lifetime.
His life will be determined by whether or not he promulgates the Insurrection Special Counsel Act and the Special Counsel Kim Gun-hee Act on Monday. No, the fate of the Republic of Korea is at stake.
It's not a situation where you can say good things with a soft face on both sides.

There is a saying that "there is no neutrality on a running train." The wheels of history are already rolling. I can hear the sound of shaking the earth's axis.
I hope he doesn't make a stupid choice in the face of this obvious reality. This is because it is not the misfortune of Han Deok-soo, but the misfortune of the entire Korean people.
