Abraham's faith and God's grace

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Abraham's faith and God's grace

God wants to bless his children, but the environment that surrounds us
It blesses us, the children of God, ourselves. And that blessing is not what we achieve, but the grace that God gives us

1.Abraham believed in God's promise, but he was disobedient. Job, a believer who lived at the same time of Abraham, was subjected to hardships, but he was always obedient. So why did God set Abraham as the ancestor of the faith, not Job? God made Abraham the ancestor of our faith, who was ordinary and disobedient, not Job, who was faithful and obedient, but who believed in God's promise and saved his grace. Bless God to the children of God who have faith in this way

2. After Abraham became righteous by faith, he made a promise to rely on God only and obey the word of God by performing circumcision. But circumcision is a sign of faith, not a basis. God
The grace of loving and saving those who believe in God, not those who have been circumcised
He baptized the children of God, and now we are baptized. But baptism is also a sign of faith, not a basis

3.God chooses us who believe in Jesus Christ as children who believe in God. The practice of the covenant for us now is not an act but to believe in Jesus Christ, who was sent to the earth to love and save his children. God gives the children of God who believe in Jesus Christ the same grace he gave Abraham, who became the ancestor of faith, and blesses the children of God

May you believe in the promise of God's children, believe in the atonement and salvation of Jesus Christ, and receive God's grace given to Abraham
