<Is it dangerous to drive the elderly?>

2024. 8. 14. 10:29카테고리 없음


<Is it dangerous to drive the elderly?>

On July 1, 2024, a black Genesis car driven by a 68-year-old driver suddenly drove into the sidewalk at an intersection near Seoul City Hall, killing as many as nine people.

At the time, the driver, identified only by his surname Cha, insisted on sudden acceleration, but according to the event data recorder (EDR) of the vehicle, there was only a record of pressing the accelerator pedal more than 90%, and no record of pressing the brake was confirmed.

About 20 years ago, on July 16, 2003, a similar incident occurred in Santa Monica, California. George Weller, who was 86 years old at the time, was driving the Buick-Ryu Sabre car when he hit the agricultural market, which was closed to traffic. The car drove 300 meters at a speed of 60 to 100 kilometers per hour, resulting in as many as 10 deaths and 70 injuries. It was a "Santa Monica market crash."

  According to the investigation, George Weller pressed the Excel instead of the brake several times.

The two cases have a lot in common.
First, it resulted in many victims (9 and 10 deaths alone)
Second, all drivers are elderly (68 years old, 86 years old)
Third, I accidentally pressed Excel instead of brake.  

A car weighing 1 to 2 tons and weighing well over 100 horsepower becomes a great means of transportation and a terrifying weapon at the same time. In addition, there is a possibility of mistakes at any time in that the car design operates the brakes and accelerators with one foot. Does age affect car deaths?

Unfortunately, it is true. According to data from the American Automobile Association for Traffic Safety, drivers between the ages of 16 and 17 (3.75 times) and those over 80 (3.85 times) were the most likely to die.

The first time is the worst. The same goes for driving. In the U.S., it depends on the state, but you can get a driver's license from the age of 16. So, 16 to 17 years old causes the most car accidents.

The problem is old age. It causes the highest death toll. When old age drives, the most dangerous individuals are the drivers themselves >>>>>>>> Other drivers or passers-by > co-riders in that order.

That doesn't stop the elderly from driving. Many people live in rural areas where traffic is inconvenient. Cars are actually a necessity. First of all, physical examinations need to be more rigorous. But that's not enough.

When we feel uncomfortable, we use tools or machines. When it's hard to walk, we use a cane or a walker. As we get older, we have to rely more on machines.

The vehicle in the sudden acceleration accident at Seoul City Hall Station was the Genesis G80 in 2018, which did not have a forward collision prevention assistance (FCA) function because it did not select the 1.96 million won 'Genesis Active Safety Control' package. What would have happened if there was a forward collision prevention assistance function? (Of course, if you step on Excel more than 60%, it will be automatically disassembled.)

In the future, the elderly population will increase, and deaths from elderly driving will certainly increase. This is because body function decreases, reactions slow down, and judgment deteriorates. As we get older, what we need more is money and skills.

#Shining Doctor #CarSudden Acceleration #Older Driving #Car Accident
