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This person was the first to find the positive

Tmarket 2024. 7. 23. 20:47

Michael Faraday... if you're going to pick the top 10 physicists of all time, he's a famous guy who goes into it.

This person was the first to find the positive electrode, the negative electrode, and so on
Benzene is also a great scientist who revealed his relationship with electricity if he had discovered it.
In particular, he's a person who didn't study regularly. Especially because he didn't have any math skills, he couldn't prove Maxwell's magnetic field formula only experimentally and didn't produce it mathematically, so we remember Maxwell more, but in reality, Michael Faraday was the first person to reveal it...

However, if most people with these scientific achievements are arrogant and a bit petty, Faraday's humility is an example for everyone.

His modesty stems from religion and has been an avid believer in Christian fundamentalism since his grandfather's time. The Sandermanion Assembly, to which Faraday belongs, took the doctrine of the Bible very seriously and demanded that its followers strictly obey it. As a member of the Sandermanion Assembly, he held his views firmly based on biblical texts regarding worldly wealth, such as "You cannot serve both God and wealth" (Matthew 6:24). Based on this idea, Faraday did not get a patent for any of his inventions, did not want a high salary, and donated a lot to charitable causes. He also rejected Queen Victoria's (1819-1901) offer to give him a Knight's Day in honor of his contributions to science. He wanted to live an austere life, rejecting the honor that could have been bestowed upon him and the power offered by others. He did research for pure study, not for money or other worldly honors. Especially when he sought clues about the interaction between life and magnetism in 1831, he gave up all the ancillary activities he had done to keep his finances at an appropriate level. His science was closely related to his religion as a whole.

I think the fundamentalist of religion is a good thing
Why doesn't a Christian fundamentalist in Korea do something like that??

I'm always a fundamentalist critic, but when I see Michael Faraday, I think I should applaud him if I live like this..

So I think again that you shouldn't always look at one side.
