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태양광 붐 이제는 막을 수 없다. A fascinating story about salt

Tmarket 2024. 2. 22. 11:25

[ 기적은 필요하지 않다. 금광에 앉아있기 때문에.. ]

*  인류는 탄소 중립을 위해 2030년까지 현재 설치된 재생 가능 용량을 11,174GW로 3배 늘려야 하며, 매년 평균 1,000GW를 야심차게 추가해야 한다. 2023년 약 500GW
* 칠레의 태양광 붐
* 이라크, 2030년까지 12GW의 태양광 발전 목표

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12. 이라크, 2030년까지 12GW의 태양광 발전 목표

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28. ‘돈 먹는 하마’ 된 영국 힝클리 포인트 C 원전

A fascinating story about salt ▶ The heart of ️
It's called a salt container

I don't have heart cancer
I think it's probably because of salt.

There are two main types of salt.
Rock salt, refined salt, and sea salt made in mudflats in Korea.

There's no sea salt in the U.S
Everyone is just rock salt or tablet salt.

Rock salt or purified salt is pure sodium chloride (Nacl) and has no minerals.

The theory that you shouldn't eat a lot of salt
This is to avoid eating rock salt and refined salt, and mineral-rich sea salt is essential to the human body. So, in the United States, where only rock salt and refined salt are available, doctors naturally say that
It says not to eat salt. Korean doctors should not eat salt because they follow the theory of American doctors.

<Human beings must eat sea salt>

70% of the human body is water. It's not just water,
It's 0.85% salt water. That's why an IV, a 0.9% salt water, is injected as soon as you're hospitalized. Nevertheless
I'm going to give him salt water in his blood vessels
Is it okay to inject yourself, and is there a reason why you shouldn't take it? No.

The American doctor who wrote the book Dead Doctors Don't Lie, said he gave salt to a patient and stopped taking medicine
It also explains clinical trials.

Despite this, the Korean government's ignorant bureaucrats even paid government subsidies to shut down the salt farm and turn it into an amusement facility because sea salt is unsanitary
It is a practice that is paid and recommended.
Even a mass food company,
It is a big deal because laws that prohibit the use of sea salt in large-scale catering companies have been created and implemented.

The role of ☛ salt is a preservative.

Lack of salinity in the human body causes the body to rot. In other words, it decomposes.
Corruption breeds bacteria such as various inflammation, atopy, and athlete's foot.

Most diseases are bacterial.
All citizens are unable to eat salt under the instructions of doctors. The salt they eat is not sea salt, but refined salt such as taste salt and flower salt. Because of this, many people's bodies are decomposing.

These days, starting with children's atopic dermatitis, adults are suffering indescribable pain from a disease called atopic dermatitis.

Have you ever seen people suffering from atopy around you?

If it's severe, my whole body becomes so ugly that I think it's a leprosy, and my personality becomes sensitive because I can't stand the pain
It can also become violent.
I lack salinity in my body
A person's body is decomposing.

<Three anti-corruption substances>
The substances that prevent decay are
It's salt, sugar, and alcohol.

Among these three, the human body was created to preserve itself from decaying by salting.

But because of the salt ban
I can't eat salt
The body is trying to prevent its own corruption
It came to demand Muanga, which was replaced with sugar.

But the human body is made of salt
It's about preventing corruption,
Sugar won't do the trick.
However, if it is a raw sugar rich in minerals, it could be good in terms of nutrition, but everyone is just pure sugar that has removed all minerals through the purification process.

▶ alcoholism

Alcoholism works the same way.
People who lack salinity
When you start drinking alcohol
The body mistook alcohol for anti-corruption and looked for it whenever it felt it lacked salt. However, the body is not satisfied. That's why I drink more alcohol
Only the amount of alcohol increases, and eventually the body breaks down, leading to various adult diseases and hand tremors, which are paralysis symptoms of shaking hands and feet.

It has been reported that when these alcoholics consume sea salt, they are strangely relieved of alcoholism and regained their composure.

Sea salt is a disease of various kinds
have a close relationship with someone. insomnia, depression, delirium,
The symptoms disappear within a few days when patients with neurorheumatoid arthritis are fed sea salt, which causes bone joints all over the body to ache.

All of these are evidence that tells the serious reality of not being able to consume salt due to misrepresented information by someone.

According to the Old Testament, all offerings must be salted (Lewis 2:13),

In the New Testament, it is true of nature that you should be light and salt to the world,
It's spiritual reason.

Now, we're not supposed to eat salt
We need to get out of the prejudice as soon as possible. We can no longer unconditionally follow the instructions of hospitals that are not responsible for human diseases.

Even healthy people get sick after eating only a few months of bland meals for inpatients. Furthermore, white rice is a meal that does not help patients.

The things that cancer cells hate the most are
They are sunlight, water, salt and fiber, vitamin C, etc.

Maybe modern people have protein, meat and so on
It should be considered that cancer cells only eat things they like.
But salt and water cannot be overemphasized.

Some people worry that you shouldn't eat a lot of salt.
I'm sorry, but you don't have to worry
Salt is impossible to overeat.

If the salty taste is excessive, you can't eat it because it's bitter. No one eats enough salt to eat it because it's bitter.
If you eat a lot, your body will pour water, and you can drink quality bottled water at this time. As a result, our body maintains a certain degree of salinity.
There are studies and experimental presentations that show that drinking a lot of bottled water alone calms a person's personality.

Water and salt are essential requirements for life. And most modern people's diseases are cardiovascular diseases. This means that the problem is blood, but when the blood is murky, the blood is watery, which means that waste is contaminated and precipitated into the blood, preventing blood circulation.

Consuming plenty of bottled water and sea salt, not soft drinks, will keep your body healthy, that is, clear and clean blood.

If my body maintains 0.85% salinity, I can beat any germs that enter my body
That's why sea salt is the best food. Rather, it should be called medicine.

In the winter, we made Dongchimi bored
You can think of drinking all the time.
In fact, there is no better folk remedy if you eat Dongchimi soup all the way through.

In the summer, it is also best to make water kimchi and drink it cool and simple like a drink.
If only anyone could do it
If you practice it as an essential diet, there is no such supplement.

Salted cabbage or food is not spoiled and the body is highly inflamed, which means it is decomposed.
Fungi in Korean.
In English, it's a virus.
It's rotting in easier terms.
It's because of the lack of salt nutrition.

♥ A great tip for ︎!
If your face turns red and you don't sweat during hiking in summer, you'll lack salt.
If you don't drink salt water immediately, you can die.

Dr. Hong Soo-gwan, a laughing evangelist, also died of sepsis while eating a low-salt diet.
My body is decomposing due to lack of salt, does laughing keep me healthy?
