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Warren Buffett Accepts Satisfaction

Tmarket 2023. 12. 6. 10:12

Warren Buffett Accepts Satisfaction
According to a recent study in social psychology, those who have more are not happier. A person who is really happy is someone who is satisfied with what he or she has. A happy person always practices being satisfied even if he or she does not recognize it. Warren Buffett (1930-), the richest man in the world who has been called an "investment genius" and "Midas Hands" until his 80s, is an extreme embrace of satisfaction.  
Buffett first began investing in stocks when he was 11 years old. He bought shares of City's Services at $38.25 per share by adding his sister Doris' money to his entire fortune of $120, but the stock price quickly plummeted to $27. Buffett quickly sold the stock after the stock price recovered to $40 soon after. However, the stock soon soared to $200. He experienced ant investors' typical mistakes earlier than others.
When it comes to investing, Buffett has read and researched anything, whether it be in newspapers or magazines. He delivered newspapers every day to keep up to date, not just to make money. He even took a corporate report published by Moody's on his honeymoon. He still reads newspapers instead of looking out the window from the plane.
After entering Columbia Business School, Professor Benjamin Graham, known as the founder of value investing, caught the eye of his book The Intelligent Investor almost by heart. Buffett, the only handmade A+ student from Graham, worked at Graham's investment company after graduating. Graham was encouraged to become a successor when he retired, but he returned to his hometown of Omaha, Nebraska.
Buffett established an investment company investment partnership in 1956 at the age of twenty-five, including his pocket money and acquaintances' investments, for $170,000. He then bought shares of the undervalued company and continued to reinvest without distributing any profits. Buffett's annual return on the Dow was 29.5% at the time, compared to an average annual 7.4% increase in the Dow.
Buffett has been living in a frugal home in Omaha for 50 years even though he is the world's second richest man. One radio interviewer told me that when he visits New York for about a week, he buys a bottle of milk and a box of Oreo cookies for breakfast. However, he doesn't use a satisfaction strategy when it comes to investment strategies. Satisfaction is a strategy not to waste time on things that you don't consider important. When it comes to things that are important to you, it is still the right strategy to keep the old way and try to do better.
