The exchange rate train is rushing towards 1,500
The exchange rate train is rushing towards 1,500 won due to Han Deok-soo's dream. A person who knows what is good for the country and the people, but thinks first of losing his wealth and honor. In the meantime, Korea's 10-year government bond has exceeded 2.9 percent and the exchange rate is 1,485 won.
As if counting down the new year of 2025, everyone is counting down to see when the 1,500 won will exceed. I was going to blank out all day long, but I can only see the exchange rate. Inflation will hit Korea hard at the beginning of the year due to import prices. Even during the IMF, it was not like this, but the economic and social costs of picking the wrong person are too high.
Unless the impeachment ruling is moved forward and a new leader is elected soon, next year will be the second "Eul-sad year" in which words were coined. I wonder if the pro-Japanese group is dragging its feet by remembering the Japan-Korea Treaty of 1905 120 years ago and waiting for the "Eul-sad" year. These are the result of people who are mired in shamanism and shamanism taking power. Some of the Korean Protestant churches and presbytery, which prayed for the president and Cabinet members, did not even confess or reflect on themselves...
Anyway, it's the last Friday of 2024. Today is almost the end of the year-end party. I hope this year-end party will be a year-end party that is gone because of the remnants of Japan. Let's celebrate the-year party.