The etymology of Nongong Haengsang is Oseo Gothamjeon in the Three Kingdoms.
an act of public conduct
1. The etymology of Nongong Haengsang is Oseo Gothamjeon in the Three Kingdoms. After fighting the Wei Dynasty, Son Kwon of the Oh Dynasty discussed whose contribution was greater and gave the award, but because it was not fair, secret struggles between the servants and trust between the military gods collapsed.
2. It would be foolish to think that the rice paddies should be fair while looking at the test of rice paddies. There should be no rice paddies. There should be no need to discuss whose credit is greater. What is successful should be well designed and announced in advance. It should be a side-by-side performance that measures the ball, not a rice paddy performance. Only then can a fair practice be achieved.
3. It is common for newly inaugurated financial CEOs to focus on short-term performance and focus only on cost cuts, and then lose customer confidence due to poor quality, leading to a sharp drop in sales. A typical example of what is the CEO's success is not designed or poorly designed. Brian Krzanich, a former CEO of Intel, is a recent example.
4. Failure to properly design what constitutes the CEO's success will also result in significant harm to shareholder value. Tesla and Kakao Pay can be a good comparison. In the case of Tesla, Elon Musk's reward for 2018 was stock options, which are divided into 12 stages, and could only be paid if the company achieved sales, market capitalization, and cash flow targets set in stages. On the other hand, Kakao Pay exercised stock options within a month after the company was listed, earning 45.7 billion won (45.7 million U.S. dollars) in profits. Trust in Kakao Pay has plummeted, resulting in employees distrusting the management as well.
5. One thing to be aware of when performing side acts for employees in personnel affairs is to increase the distance between side acts and peddlers. This is because if the side acts are literally attached, the ball is the goal and the prize is the goal, not the result of the ball.
6. The biggest side effect when the lateral ball and peddler are attached is that external factors (money) tend to be the reason for work. In this case, continuous motivation is possible only with an external factor (money) of a stronger stimulus. On the other hand, when the reason for work is within oneself, continuous motivation becomes possible through a healthy sense of accomplishment and stimulation of the need for learning. This is called the theory of self-determination.
7. Google keeps the time between measurement and reward as far as possible to minimize the effectiveness of self-determination. Netflix is more unconventional. It does not reward players by discussing or measuring the ball. It only considers scarcity. It calculates the cost of replacing the person, and if it is deemed better to maintain it, it pays for maintenance even if it costs a lot.
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