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Chat GPT, closely analyze and systematize the correlation between Buddhist smoke

Tmarket 2024. 10. 18. 14:02

"Chat GPT, closely analyze and systematize the correlation between Buddhist smoke theory and quantum mechanics."

Although Buddhism's smoke theory (緣起說) and quantum mechanics have very different historical and philosophical backgrounds, the two concepts show interesting similarities in how they view the world. To analyze and organize them, we can compare them around the following topics.

1. the philosophical concept of acting theory

The theory of acting in Buddhism is the idea that all beings and phenomena are interconnected and are created by interdependent causes and conditions rather than independent existence. This frequently explains the occurrence and extinction of suffering in Buddhism, emphasizing the absence of a fixed self or substance.

我: Buddhist thought that "all beings are in a relationship of change and interdependence without a fixed substance."

Claims that "everything exists only in relationships with other beings, and there is no individual independent entity."

2. the main concepts of quantum mechanics

Quantum mechanics is a theory that describes the microscopic world in physics, which, unlike classical physics, describes the interaction of particles with energy in a stochastic and non-deterministic manner.

In quantum mechanics, the states of individual particles are not independently determined, and "the states of particles are in stochastic superposition until measured by the observer."

Uncertainty Principle:
With the principle that the particle's position and velocity cannot be known exactly at the same time, it is interpreted to mean that "it becomes clear only when physical reality is observed."

Quantum entanglement:
A phenomenon in which two particles are "strongly connected" to each other and the state of one particle is determined, the other is also immediately affected.

The concept of "far-flung particles can interact" has an "interdependent relationship regardless of spatial distance."

3. the relationship between smoke theory and quantum mechanics

Both quantum mechanics and Buddhism's theory of acting deny fixed reality and emphasize the relationship between existence and phenomenon. This can be examined in detail in several respects.

Denial and interdependence of substance:

In the smoke theory, the notion that all beings have no independent reality and are in interdependent relationships is similar to the non-locality, entanglement state of quantum mechanics.

In quantum mechanics, physical reality is determined only through interactions, which can be linked to what the smoke theory calls conditional existence.

Observer Effect:

In quantum mechanics, "the observer's act of measurement" determines the state of a particle.

Similarly, the Buddhist theory of acting says that the world we perceive is not a fixed entity but an interdependent being that changes by the action of our consciousness and perception.

The same applies in brain science. When recognized in the brain, reality is revealed.)

In terms of "observer intervention determines reality," the observer effect of quantum mechanics and the concept of interaction with smoke theory have similarities.

Uncertainty and Uncertainty:

Future states are predicted probabilistically in quantum mechanics and are not described deterministically like classical physics. This is linked to the Buddhist theory of smoke, which argues that all phenomena have no fixed nature and are constantly changing.

Buddhism is in line with the principle of uncertainty in quantum mechanics because it denies fixed fate or essence and sees everything as being caused by interrelated complex causes.

4. Limitations and Differences

Despite the similarities between quantum mechanics and smoke theory, these two basically have different purposes and backgrounds.

Differences between philosophy and science:

The theory of acting is mainly a philosophical and practical idea to solve the problems of human suffering and liberation.

Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, is a scientific theory to explain physical phenomena in the natural world.

The smoke theory has strong ethical and performance implications, while quantum mechanics is a theory based on experimental evidence.

Epistemological differences:

Buddhism seeks enlightenment beyond empirical perception, while quantum mechanics values observations based on experimental data.

In quantum mechanics, observation plays an important role in defining physical reality, but in Buddhism, ultimate enlightenment must go beyond observation.


Buddhism's theory of acting and quantum mechanics have something in common in that they view the world and existence as interconnected relationships, but there is an important difference in the difference between philosophical and practical purposes and scientific inquiry.

The smoke theory mainly serves as a philosophical basis for human liberation, and quantum mechanics is a scientific theory explaining microscopic phenomena in the natural world.

But in that they both deny fixed reality and emphasize interdependence, they offer an interesting intersection between modern science and ancient philosophy.
