Nanotechnology Nano Technology
Nanotechnology Nano Technology
Nanonano is a unit representing 1/1 billion (10 ⁻⁹), derived from the Greek word nanos, which means dwarf. Nanotechnology deals with units of atoms or molecules. Nanotechnology aims to transform or modify existing materials or create new materials by properly combining atoms or molecules to create new microstructures.
Microstructure creation has been attempted before, but nanotechnology is distinct from existing technology in its approach. Nanotechnology adopts a method of creating a microstructure by combining atoms or molecules, whereas existing technology approaches it by carving large chunks for miniaturization. Nanotechnology can improve the genetic method of diagnosing and treating diseases.
Nanotechnology was first used in the 1970s by American engineer K. Eric Drexler K. Eric Drexler (1955-) to describe research activities on objects with less than 100 nanometers. One nanometer is similar to the diameter of five carbon atoms. Nanometers are units representing one-billionth of a meter. One nanometer is approximately one-hundred-thousandth the thickness of an adult hair, equal to the size of a group of three to four atoms.
Nanotechnology theorist Robert A. Freitas Robert A. Freitas Jr. writes.
"The hard-won knowledge of human molecular structure over the course of the 20th and early 21st centuries will be used to design medically active micro-mechanical devices. These machines will be deployed more frequently with tasks of cell testing, repair, and reconstruction, rather than purely with the goal of discovery."
Nanobot nanobot is a robot that has emerged as a combination of nanotechnology NT and robot technology, or a related technology and academic field. It is a mechanical or electromechanical device with the size of one billionth of a meter, and at this level, for example, it not only diagnoses and treats diseases, but it can also detect and attack the invasion of bacteria and viruses.
Nanobots will be great doctors. Millions of nanobots will create healthy tissue by restructuring bones and muscles, destroying tumor growth at the cell level, and cleaning blood vessels. Nanobots will be thousands of times more accurate than cutting-edge surgical tools used today. Nanobots will not leave scars and will continuously track and check conditions after surgery. Additionally, nanobots can perform surgeries like repairing DNA inside the cell nucleus. Nanobots with certain intelligence will work in blood vessels, organs, and the brain to defeat health-damaging obstacles. Ultimately, the ability to think, create, and experience will be infinitely expanded by combining living things' thinking and advanced artificial intelligence.