Google (Alphabet) 2025 Stock Outlook Report
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Google (Alphabet) 2025 Stock Outlook Report
1. Introduction
Shares of Google (Alphabet) are expected to see a stable uptick in 2025 based on strong growth potential. Forecasts based on EPS and price-to-earnings ratio (PER) suggest Google will maintain and strengthen its market dominance in advertising, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence.
2. Earnings Per Share (EPS) Forecast
Google's earnings per share for 2025 is expected to be around $8.64, which represents a significant increase from 2024's EPS of $7.63. This growth indicates that Google's core business segment will continue to generate high revenue.
3. stock price forecast
Google's price-to-earnings ratio (PER) for 2025 is forecast to be 25, with the stock likely to reach between $216 and $220. This figure reflects Google's continued dominance in the market based on stable profitability and innovative technology.
4. Key Growth Factors
Google continues to lead the global digital advertising market, and its expansion and technological innovation, especially in cloud computing and AI, are increasing the potential for additional revenue generation. Increasing sales of Google Cloud and continuous development of artificial intelligence research are expected to play an important role in the stock price increase.
5. a risk factor
Google is likely to face various regulatory issues and global economic uncertainties. In particular, governments' anti-trust investigations and data protection regulations can affect Google's business operations. These regulatory risks can be a major factor in stock price volatility. In addition, changes in global economic conditions may lead to reduced demand for advertising or reduced corporate spending, which will likely negatively impact Google's profitability.
6. Conclusion
In 2025, Google's stock price is expected to see a steady rise based on growth in its core business segment and technological innovation. Given its predicted earnings per share (EPS) and price-to-earnings ratio (PER), Google's stock price is likely to reach around $220. However, caution is needed against regulatory and economic uncertainty, and investors are required to take a cautious approach that takes this into account.